
S.W.O.T Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Strategy Development
Management Systems
Incentive Compensation

Strategy, and its' execution framework, within a corporate performance culture, and a company structure geared towards alignment of individual and company-wide objectives, are unquestionably the key elements of organizational success. 

A company's strategic framework which:

  1. is clearly articulated, focused, and appropriately selected
  2. takes into consideration the current status of the organization, the markets in which the company operates, the competitor's capabilities and weaknesses
  3. is effectively communicated to an organization that has a management system tailored to the effective execution of the strategy
  4. for each employee has individual performance objectives aligned with the strategy, and the appropriate incentive to focus execution of day-to-day actions towards achieving their individual objectives

...will allow the company to gain and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage over its' competitors, and increase its' performance along those dimensions in which it wants to progress, whether these may be growth, profitability, market share, customer loyalty and retention, or cost reduction.

ADV supports it's Clients through a roster of services of progressive involvement, geared towards the development of custom tailored solutions for developing sustainable competitive advantage through a Strategy Focused organization.

S.W.O.T. Analysis, is the structured internal review process by which an organization learns to codify its strong and weak aspects, as well as threats or opportunities that may lay ahead.

Competitive Analysis, the external review process that ranks the organization among it's key competitors in a number of significant parameters.

Strategy Development, utilizes the information of the internal and external reviews, and the Goals that management and owners have set for the company to define the path which the company should follow to achieve its Goals effectively and efficiently.

Management Systems, developed to manage the key execution elements of a strategy ensure the rapid deployment and consistent implementation of the strategy across the organization.

Incentive Compensation, built into the management framework, links individual employee objectives with the strategic objectives of the organization, achieving alignment of employee daily actions with the achievement of organizational Goals.

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